A Non-for Profit Organization under the IRS 501(c)3 status

Avalon is a Non for Profit Educational Organization, sponsors weekend workshops, seminars, and astrological conferences.

Introduction to Astrology for Beginners!

The Avalon School of Astrology supports, encourages, educates, and trains students to become professional astrologers. Our aim is to provide exceptional astrological education and training to the community we serve.

We are pleased to invite you to our first of many weekend workshops!!!!

Sunday:August 18, 2024
Location:Live online via zoom room


12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM Where does astrology come from?

Speaker: Pam Gallagher

Speaker: Pam Gallagher.
Pam owns and operates the Midwest School of Astrology where she teaches a full curriculum as well as offers a variety of personal consultations and charts. Pam’s primary focus is to help everyone who is seeking to get through life's obstacles with the use of astrology. Pam is an expert on a wide variety of astrological techniques specializing in relationship counseling, forecasting, and spiritual development.


2:00 PM to 2:30 PM 30 Minutes Break


2:30 PM to 4:30 PM Meaning of Planets, Signs, and Houses

Speaker: Starlene Breiter

Speaker: Starlene Breiter.
Starlene is a practicing professional Vibrational Astrologer, reiki healer, and tarot card reader, and astrology teacher. She works with gems and has operated a successful online metaphysical gem store for many years. Starlene graduated from the Avalon School of Astrology with a specialization in Vibrational Astrology in 2015, and she has been a regular participant in the Vibrational Astrology research group, and speaker at conferences. She has contributed to the research on meanings of higher harmonics and other research projects.



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